Coarse Fishing in Spain by Philip Pembroke

Free fishing maps explaining where to go fishing in Spain, Portual and France. Spanish food and fishing holidays, and information about the weather in Spain.

"Don Quixote and Sancho reached the river Cinca in the Pyrenees and the sight of it was a great delight to the famous knight, as Sancho - his servant, informed the knight that they catch the best brown trout in Spain." Don Quixote didn't need a licence to go fishing in Spain, but you do. Expert information about carp fishing in France, catfish on the river Ebro, and barbel and Black bass in Portugal can be found by clicking here. Click on the fisherman, to find places to go fly fishing in the Pyrenees.

Click on map to find places to go fishing in Spain.

In Franco's Footsteps

Salmon fishing in Asturias

Fly fishing and traveling through León (northern central Spain)

Top ten places to go fly fishing in Spain

Spanish road trip

Advice about holiday weather in Spain. Catch of the day, cooking your catch

                                                                Europe's hottest carp lake is found in Morocco    Ice fishing in Poland



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