Consider this, if you were in the market for a high speed, five door family car with the sound of a supercharger you’d be in the market for a German something.

But that wouldn’t be as much fun as a Land Rover Defender, not the perfect saloon; but what if you’re after a vehicle that will take four adults and a capacious fridge 3′500 miles around Spain on some of its roughest roads, goes up hills (we got lost quite a bit but usually found our way down in time for lunch), picks up 300 kilos of oranges (for no apparent reason therefore bad) and 70 bottles of Ribera wine (for a better reason, to consume on the first weekend home)?

Our preplanned route allowed for spontaneous changes – dependent on our non-map reading abilities.

The German car would go faster – yes, but you’d probably miss half of the brilliant views (driving at a comfortable speed through Spain) and arrive days ahead and unannounced.

New Year’s Day we left Seville for Segovia

From Segovia we drove over mountains, via Soria and Logrono to Pamplona.

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